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作为当前的硕士或博士.D. 学生, it is your responsibility to comply with all policies, 管理你个人学习项目的程序和适用的项目要求. 


截至2022年夏季, 那些寻求批准他们的论文和论文不再需要与格式审查小组的成员有一个预定的约会. We are now reviewing most theses and dissertations via email. To have your document reviewed, please send it to (电子邮件保护).

When submitting your document for review be sure to include your:

  • 全名
  • the degree you are seeking and
  • 你导师的名字

一旦您的格式被批准,您将收到印刷和装订要求. 您需要打印一份论文副本并通过韦德体育app官网装订, extra copies can be ordered at that time. 

如果您在审查指南后有疑问,并且希望与格式审查小组的人员会面,您仍然可以通过电子邮件请求预约 (电子邮件保护). 格式审查小组的人会联系你安排一个时间.

When requesting an appointment, please include your: 

  • 全名
  • the degree you are seeking and 
  • 你导师的名字
的指导方针 & 有用的资源
  • 毕业论文和学位论文 格式指南  
  • Microsoft word formatting tutorials - Microsoft word formatting tutorials
    • 本文档包括如何一步一步地在Microsoft Word中格式化论文.  
  • 章的标题 -仅供示例  
    • 本文档向您展示如何根据第六版美国心理协会风格指南格式化和空格部分和子标题.  
  • 封面页
    • 使用此模板为您的论文和学位论文创建封面页. Do not include this cover 页面 in your thesis or dissertation.
  • 表格一览表 
    • 本文档展示了如何在论文和论文中格式化和空格列表表的示例.
  • 避免留白 
    • 本文档向您展示如何避免在图像或表格附近的文本中使用空白. Make sure to scroll through all of the 页面s.  
  • 韦德体育app官网 Writing Center
    • 研究生院不提供MS Word或Latex的技术支持. 在处理微软Word(页码)时有困难的学生, 利润率, 分节符, 统治者的使用, 等.) should contact the OU Writing Center for one-on-one tutoring. 
    • 研究生院只审查你的文件是否符合我们的格式准则. Students who are having difficulty with 语法和散文 should consult with the Writing Center. You can schedule an appointment with them by visiting the 约会网站
    • 写作中心不会将您的文档转换为适合您的样式和格式. 咨询您的指导老师,以确定您应该使用哪种格式样式. The entire document should adhere to that style, EXCEPT for those elements that are noted in our guidelines. 作为文件的作者,您有责任确保您遵循指导方针,您的导师有责任确认您已经这样做了.


  •  论文初稿
    • 如果你正在写一篇论文,你可以使用这个模板来帮助格式化初步页面. 这包括从封面页到第一章开头的所有内容. The template is only offered as a guide. Defer to 你的部门's publishing and style guidelines when necessary. 


  • 论文初稿
    • 如果你正在写一篇论文,你可以使用这个模板来帮助格式化初步页面. 这包括从封面页到第一章开头的所有内容. The template is only offered as a guide. Defer to 你的部门's publishing and style guidelines when necessary.

There are three phases to a dissertation defense:

  1. Public presentation of the dissertation and defense
  2. The dissertation committee's meeting with the candidate
  3. Evaluation of the Candidate's Performance

To learn more about each phase and see an example, visit the 国防部公告 页面. 

Publishing dissertations with ProQuest

韦德体育app官网 requires all dissertations to be published through ProQuest dissertation publishing. 


  • PDF格式的论文副本
  • 你的摘要
  • the names of your committee members
  • 任何可选的图像或数据,不是文本的一部分,但必要的你的论文和
  • one to three subject categories that describe your dissertation 

The subject category list can be found on the ProQuest website. ProQuest offers two types of digital publication for your dissertation. 你也可以选择让你的作品出现在主要的搜索引擎结果中. 谷歌或雅虎). 

  1. Traditional publishing: The first is a traditional option, where ProQuest makes your work widely available, you are eligible for royalties from the sale of your work, 而且不收费. 
  2. Open access publishing: The second is an open access publishing option. Publishing this way makes your work available via free global access. You will not receive royalties with this option, 用这种方式发表论文,ProQuest会向你收取95美元的费用. 

最后,您可以选择在您的工作通过ProQuest发布后延迟它的可用性. 如果你有专利申请或其他原因,你可能想要推迟发布你的作品, you can choose to delay its publication in ProQuest for 6 months, 1年或自定义日期. Students may only embargo their publication for up to 1 year. 

Once you have chosen the type of publication, ProQuest will prompt you to complete and sign a Publishing Agreement. 该协议授予ProQuest复制和分发论文和发表摘要的非排他性许可. You will retain the copyright to your dissertation. 你也保留在其他地方出版论文的权利,以书的形式或作为单独的文章. ProQuest负责安排(a)在 ProQuest 论文 and Theses Global; (b) preparing a digital copy of the dissertation; and (c) depositing digital copies in various 数据库s.

ProQuest还提供作为您的代理注册版权的选项, and deposit the required copies with the Copyright Office. The fee for this service is $55. Although registration is not required to preserve the author’s copyright, most copyright specialists feel that it is advisable.

请注意,如果您决定不通过ProQuest注册版权, you can register the copyright on your own at some later date.

ProQuest Dissertation Publishing has been publishing dissertations and theses since 1938. 在那段时间里, 世界各地的研究生院已经出版了200多万部研究生作品. ProQuest论文出版公司拥有700多家活跃的大学出版合作伙伴, 出版了70多本,000 new graduate works each year.

  • One PDF格式的论文副本.
  • 任何补充文件是必要的,但不包括在你的论文主体. This may include audio or video files. 
  • 与论文摘要相匹配的ProQuest摘要(最多350字).
  • Completed and signed ProQuest Doctoral Dissertation Agreement form. 当您提交工作时,ProQuest将提示您在线填写此表格. You must include the year your manuscript was completed, the degree you were awarded and the date, 你的部门, 主要主题类别, the name of your adviser or committee chair, and the names of your committee members.
  • ProQuest service fee (required for all 学生s) = $65
  • ProQuest将代表您向美国版权局提交您的申请,然后向您提供国会图书馆将颁发的证书. 如果您选择让ProQuest作为您在版权过程中的代理, ProQuest will assess you an additional $55 fee. 

或者教师, 教职员工和学生可以通过ProQuest和Kresge图书馆的在线访问毕业作品 论文 & 毕业论文@ OU 数据库. 当从校外访问时, 图书馆数据库访问系统可能会提示你输入姓名和身份证号. 了解如何查看 OU dissertations published through ProQuest. 

Ph.D. 调查

获得博士学位调查(SED)是由NORC为美国国家科学基金会进行的一项联邦机构调查,每年从45个国家收集信息,000新U.S. 研究博士毕业生.

As part of the dissertation submission process, OU Ph.D. candidates ONLY must complete the online 获得博士学位调查.

一旦你批准的论文已提交给论文/论文协调员, you will be asked to visit the 获得博士学位调查 site and register to complete the NORC 调查 online. 访问NORC的信息, including your PIN and password, 是否会通过您在网上注册过程中提供的电子邮件地址立即得到确认.

Completion of the 调查 takes approximately 10 minutes. 完成调查后, 请打印证书并将其提交给论文/论文协调员,以表明SED已完成.


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